WhatsApp + Telegram (AI) Bots Online

We've developed Custom AI for the Telegram & WhatsApp chat platforms. This AI can answer basic questions, or submit an inquiry for an IT Expert to contact you. You can say any of the following:

  • Shop Service, Onsite Appointment, Remote Assistance, Subscription Management

  • Operating Hours, Driving Directions, Ticket Status, Create Account, Enterprise Support

  • Financing Options, Provide Feedback, Employment Opportunities, Unique Inquiry


All of the above utterances will collect voiced responses, and will send a categorized and formatted communication request to the relevant location / team. From there, an IT Expert will make contact with you via your preferred method of contact. Check them out using the links below!!

These chat platforms now join our complete reach of communication to end-users, including: Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Twilio Voice, SMS Text, Facebook Messenger, plus Phone Call and Email Message.

Ryan Malize