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Epic Audio Recordings
Everyone wants to sell their business service or product; MSP consultants are no different. Do you think they'd understand how powerful telephony systems can stop noisemakers like them in their tracks…
Our computer repair shop gets calls from telemarketers all the time. So to make it less annoying; we created a virtual extension on our VoIP PBX system with a pre-recorded message in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice. When a call comes in from a solicitor - or tech's transfer the call to extension 666, and this is the result.
Our computer repair shop forgot to inform customers that we would be closed on Monday for the holiday (Memorial Day). Apparently, one of the techs said his computer would be ready to pick up, but he called to find we were closed. Not exactly sure, but I think he may have been smoking a cigar and polishing his .357 when he left this voicemail...
Our computer repair shop gets calls from telemarketers all the time. So to make it less annoying; we created a virtual extension on our VoIP PBX system with a pre-recorded message in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice. When a call comes in from a solicitor - or tech's transfer the call to extension 666, and this is the result.
Did you know Pinellas Computers has a public SoundCloud account, and periodically publishes secret audio content there without warning? WTF - Don’t tell anyone!
Thrilling Video Clips
We don’t just “handle” spam phone calls… US Marshall John Krueger ERASES them!
Following internal efforts to handle a large commercial services payment dispute, a settlement was reached in court, and this client was ordered to pay for services rendered within 30 days. As a professional courtesy (although undeserved) we did not assess any attorneys fees or interest to be paid.
This, however, did not stop the staff member from going to great lengths to "get one over" on our business. They brought in the entirety of their invoice outstanding ($1,271.95) in pennies, and demanded we provide receipt of payment. Well then, let's see how we handle that...
10/12/11 at Jannus Live in Downtown St.Pete, FL. The Dirty Heads were performing with Gym Class Heros. They called for someone to come on stage and rap the Buenos Noches verse from the song "I Got No Time For Yall". Last time, no one from St.Pete could do it (I wasn't there) and this time 2 different people went up and messed it up in the first few lines. So, I was our final hope...
Filmed for sponsored placement on Yelp, this legacy clip was scripted by a promotional video creator to outline our services and support offering to the public. This represents our first 5 years of marketing efforts. Better than nothing!
Did you know Pinellas Computers has a public YouTube account, and randomly publishes secret video content there without warning? OMG - Call the police!
Awesome Photo Snips
Connie Constance was a customer who was constantly cursing the cursed computers. She claimed that her computer kept crashing causing chaos and confusion in her work. She exclaimed, "Computers are a cruel contraption, capable of causing more chaos and confusion than a clucking chicken in a cornfield!" Connie was convinced that computers were cursed, and that she was cursed with them. She couldn't cope with the constant clicking, clacking, and clunking of her computer, and she considered converting to a more conventional career as a clown, but concluded that clowns could also be cursed and decided to stick to complaining about computers.
Land of the lost, and reptile. ruled by shang sung
The Forgotten
Not entirely… We did make this hidden page as homage.