ABC Action News - Caller ID Spoofing Scam
With the ever growing number of computerized telephone systems, scams of all kinds are becoming more pronounced.
Hackers with special phone hardware and operating software can make their phone number appear as anything they desire. Often, the scammers mask their identity as the IRS, the local electric company, or another service provider in an effort to trick you into sending them money.
Most recently, a local business fell victim to their phone number being "spoofed" by an unknown third party. Thousands of calls per minute were made, and then comes the headache - hundreds of calls back to find out what the call was for.
ABC Action News reporter Jackie Callaway spoke with Pinellas Computers CTO, Ryan Malize, about the tools the hackers use, and how to protect yourself.
While the FCC and local phone companies are ultimately in charge of prosecuting the bad guys - it's your responsibility to know how to keep yourself from being tricked out of your time and money.