Reno Updates at Dev-Ops HQ

This is a secondary update and follow-up to the previous blog post - Reno Progress at New PC Headquarters, which outlined the initial acquisition details, and first six weeks progress. This post will provide updates from weeks 7 through 12.

Week 7 - Channel Letter Signage. Our premier local sign service crew at Extreme Signage took care of the relocation of channel letters from our existing Clearwater office. This required individual letters to be wired through the building, into a recessed power accessory panel, with a dedicated circuit on the breaker panel, with a timer. Took the crew of 2 guys just the afternoon to complete.

Week 8 - Storage Container & Scrap Pile Removal. Following over a month of demolition and debris removal, we have cleared 3 metric tons of waste, including over 1,200 pounds of wood - which was burned and/or re-used. We required 1 relocatable Rover pod for the move from Clearwater Mall, which we consolidated into our 20ft storage container, after 60-days of using both.

Week 9 - Rear Room - Raise the Roof.

Week 10 - Bathroom Extension

Ryan Malize