Scheduled IT Review & Audits

Scheduled IT Review & Audits


Scheduled Technology Check-ups:

Our scheduled Walk-thru services are a comprehensive professional IT service designed to ensure the optimal performance and security of your IT infrastructure. This scheduled maintenance event, typically conducted on a monthly or quarterly basis, encompasses a broad range of checklists and worksheets that cover thorough testing of various IT equipment.

Our IT Engineers technicians review and evaluate user devices and IT tooling, to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. We conduct wired network tests and wireless security checks to assess the integrity and efficiency of your network connections, ensuring seamless data transfer and minimal downtime.

Periodic Environment Audits:

Periodic Environment Reviews are included as scheduled time with all Fully-Managed / AYCE (All You Can Eat) client contracts priced at $1,000/mo and above. This service probes details and specifics of your IT infrastructure, providing you with insight on your Technology investment as a whole. We further conduct various utility and software tests to ensure that all components of your IT environment are functioning optimally.

Included Details:

  • Scheduled On-site Walk-thru (monthly / quarterly)

  • Physical Equipment Evaluation (device/specs, health)

  • Device Security Check (endpoint AV, backups)

  • Wired Network Testing (bandwidth, connections, etc)

  • Wireless Security Checks (login failures, blocked list)

  • IT Admin Portal Review (users, passwords, storage)

  • General Report PDFs (status, changes, future planning)

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