Password Recovery/Reset

Password Recovery/Reset
Local User (Offline) Accounts:
Local user accounts are becoming less common, but are still used in 75% of computers today. Offline passwords cannot be recovered using the help of other devices, and rely on security as old as when the password was created. They are relatively simple to clear. Success rate: 100%
Cloud-Connected (Multi-Factor) Accounts:
Online “cloud-connected” accounts (Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc) require multiple verifications (2FA) by voice, text, email and more. These devices require rapid coordinated access to your device, as well as email and/or mobile phone. These are the most secure passwords, and require directed assistance from the customer, and (often) knowledge of answers to security questions. They are somewhat cumbersome to clear. Success rate: 98%
Included Details:
Clear / Reset / Remove any Local User Account Password
Reset any Cloud-Connected Account (2FA+ Required)
Other Info:
We use tooling provisioned direct from OEM’s (including Microsoft) to safely and effectively remove device passwords. A password reset is not required if you only want to recover data (eg. from an old device).